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What is ONNX ?

less than 1 minute read


Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX) is a machine learning framework translation agent. This agent is used to convert different machine learning models to each other. Let’s say you want to switch from pytorch to tensorflow or tensorrt and use your model with that framework. ONNX is a good agent to convert models. Because ONNX supports many frameworks. You can reach the supported frameworks from the link. There are multiple ways of model translation. But what makes ONNX important is that it supports more frameworks and supports many operators in frameworks. You can reach the supported operators from the link.


Earthquake Estimation with LSTM Network Model

Pişkin, N. Muhammed, Ercan E. 2019. "Earthquake Estimation with LSTM Network Model" Engineering and Architecture

Streamflow Forecasting Using Long-Short Term Memory

Pişkin, N. Muhammed, Eriş, E. 2019. "Streamflow Forecasting Using Long-Short Term Memory" Engineering and Architecture

Clustering Acoustic Emission Activities In Concrete Using Unsupervised Pattern Recognition Methods

Pişkin, N. Muhammed, Tayfur Sena, Ercan Emre, Alver Ninel, 2019. "Clustering Acoustic Emission Activities In Concrete Using Unsupervised Pattern Recognition Methods" Science, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences

Displacement Measurment on Building Mode With Computer Vision

Pişkin, N. Muhammed, Avcı, M. Serdar, Ercan Emre, Nuhoğlu Ayhan 2019. "Displacement Measurment on Building Mode With Computer Vision" Science, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences

Modeling of Damage Detection with Machine Learning

Pişkin, N. Muhammed 2021. "Modeling of Damage Detection with Machine Learning" Master Thesis

